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It is predicted that by 2020 there will be 150,000 digital jobs and not enough digital professionals to fill them, which gives those who have experience in this world or are studying digital marketing a unique advantage over the competition. If you are looking for a career in this field either as a recent graduate, career development or a complete career change we’ve put togeth ...

“It's up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.” Looking after our mental health is important for all of us! Here are 5 small changes we can implement and make a big difference in supporting our mental well being:  ...

Social media platforms are continuously growing as well as their users, whilst allowing more brands to allocate their resources on developing a great social media strategy and reaching their target audience easily. However, brands tend to be successful on social media when they are covering all of the essentials provided by a good social media marketing strategy. A great way t ...

Video is an imperative component of any successful marketing campaign and a prompt way to get consumers connected to your brand. With the average business publishing 18 videos each month and the rise of the video social influencer and micro influencers it's apparent that the focus on video marketing is set to continue and we’ve put together the hottest trends for 2019. Busines ...

We all know that effective, public relations is a key requirement to promote your organisation, engage stakeholders, increase brand awareness and increase profitability but what about protecting your company’s reputation? With an increase in social media usage companies need to protect their brand 24/7 not only from an external perspective but from an internal one too. Monitor ...

Digital transformation in the workplace is essential to ensure that your business grows, becomes a thought leader and reaps the rewards from opportunities. Successful digital transformation needs to be embedded in a top/down culture with the CEO open to digital becoming part of its culture. However, before beginning any form of digital transformation it is essential that organ ...

Influencer marketing has been drastically growing over the last couple of years and has proven to be one of the most effective forms of connecting with the community. In 2018 many brands focused their strategies on implementing different techniques and approaches for influencer marketing. However, in 2019 there are a wide range of trends that are set to shape influencer market ...

Today, you can have the most amazing web design, the greatest products/services, and the best value proposition, however, if you don’t have persuasive product copy, none of the above matters! To write a killer product/service description there are several proven copy-writing principles. Know Your Audience To write compelling copy, you need to understand who you are writing fo ...

In order to engage audiences, convert customers, boost sales and stay in line with the competition in the future, you will need to ensure that you are aware and up to date with the latest digital marketing trends. Whether you are a digital expert or you are still in the beginning of your digital transformation, it is crucial to develop a digital strategy that incorporates the m ...

Today customers are more interested in what a brand does rather than what a brand says. They remember how a brand experience makes them feel and connect those feeling to the brand making strong associations. Furthermore, a company with an innovative brand experience can differentiate and deliver its purpose in a refreshing and engaging way. Here are the 5 most crucial objectiv ...

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